The Microinsurance MBA Association of the Philippines Inc. (MiMAP) or RIMANSI accompanied RAFI Micro-Finance Inc. (RMF), Surigao Economic Development and Microfinance Foundation Inc. (SEDMFI) and Tulay Sa Pag-unlad Inc. (TSPI) MBA from September 10-12, 2019 in a study tour to selected Mi-MBA Offices in Luzon and their partner MFI’s branch offices.
For the first day, study tour participants visited the CARD MBA head office and its provincial office in San Pablo City, Laguna. To provide a general understanding of how the mutual model operates, CARD MBA General Manager May Dawat was present to share their best practices on claims settlement, governance, and annual general assembly processes. She also shared the key steps and roles undertaken with their partner institutions as Mi-MBAs.

On the second day, the three organizations traveled to Metro Manila to visit two organizations: MiMAP and Kasagana-Ka MBA (KMBA). For the visit at MiMAP in Pasig City, Jun Jay Perez, Executive Director and Camilo Casals, Independent Trustee, led the discussion focusing on the Mi-MBA business model and an overview of the MBA operations cycle. They also provided some discussions on the pooled services shared among the association and key points on MBA sustainability strategies.

Afterward in Quezon City, Silvida Antiquera, General Manager of KMBA provided discussion on how vital good governance and synergy among partner institutions are essential in running an MBA. Antiquera also talked about the collaborative activities being worked on among the Kasagana-Ka Synergizing Organizations for their members.

Lastly, the group visited Alalay sa Kaunlaran Mutual Benefit Association, Inc. (ASKI MBA) in Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija on the last day of their study tour. Emeteria Quijano, General Manager and Jaisa Riñon, Operations Manager narrated the brief history of the ASKI group of companies as well as how their mutual benefit association started. They also brought up the various services and products being offered across the ASKI groups. At their branch office, a discussion was raised on the important role played by partner institutions as part of the key processes in claims settlement, member education, and collection.
RMF and SEDMFI based in Cebu and Surigao, respectively are exploring to establish their own Mi-MBA, while TSPI MBA based in Makati City is an associate member of MiMAP (RIMANSI). The three-day study tour intends to help these organizations know more about microinsurance mutual benefit associations (Mi-MBAs).